Grow flower 🌸 child 👶 I like to look at all of us as some part of human nature and development and even though we are not plants. I like to believe our growth and development are more similar to them then we would like to believe .Why is a flower considered a plant; Flowers are just one of several subjects of the plant kingdom they fulfill the characteristics deemed to common to all plants and so they are plants . The definition of a growth is something that has grown on something else growth is defined as a gradual development in maturity,age ,or size ,weight or height and so we start off as lil poppy seeds and grow and as to flowers as well eventually blooming into the healthy beautiful adults were meant to be and as to flowers starting as a plant base lil poppy seed and blooming into a beautiful healthy growing flower 😍😘🥰
... plants Don’t set limits for themselves
Plants allow their struggle to make them stronger
Plants turn towards the sun
Plants are adaptable
And plants add value to other peoples lives