Letting go of that person you no longer want to be or wish to be seen as letting go of old habits or anything that’s outdated and no longer suits your being or what u want to become in life or anything holding you back from becoming everything you inspire to be and sometimes it’s your own thinking process holding you back from your own greatness!! Never stop learning. Learn something new everyday. Do something different if you zig when others zag you will avoid being in the majority making it easier to rise to the top unmercifully pursue your dreams don’t compete against others compete against the old you and if you do only compete with pepole better than you meaning your striving to become something greater but not to feel validated when you compete with your self you are essentially ,dismissing other people measures for success. You might find yourself pursuing something that would seem crazy or like a waist of time to someone else but it doesn’t matter anymore you aren’t subject to what they think of you .